Parenting Consultant…

Do you need one in your life? With so many parenting books, articles, online videos, blogs, vlogs, social media pages/groups and influencers in the world today it is easy to find an answer to whatever is troubling you or your child…..or is it? Parenting is the one aspect of adult life that EVERYONE has an…

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Time Management and Parenting

Done is better than perfect Time management….my parenting Achilles heel!  The BIGGEST challenge in my quest to be a good parent is managing my time effectively. Before children, I was a stickler for timekeeping, never late, always did what I said I would and never canceled activities. Then I became a parent juggling a hundred…

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Are you finding the joy in your children everyday?

Yes, it is in there somewhere… Parenting is hard, let’s be honest! Some days it is a constant battle. Other days you have fairly decent moments of joy. It can be difficult to find any enjoyment in the chaos, especially over the last 18 months when we have had to endure the additional stress that…

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Hello and welcome!

In my former life as a Health Visitor (family nurse) and since having smalls of my own, one thing I have noticed is that EVERY parent struggles with some aspect of parenting. From sleep issues to feeding issues, breastfeeding in those early days to toilet training your toddlers, there is always some challenge going on…

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