In this Starting Weaning Series, I will be covering why it does matter WHERE baby sits as part of the WHAT, WHERE, WHY, WHEN and HOW of weaning. It is designed to get you under away with weaning with confidence and make it simple. Who has time for complicated when you have hungry little tums waiting, right?! In this article, we will discuss why it does matter actually where baby sits for weaning.

Hi, I’m Katie W, Weaning Queen and founder of the Wonderful World of Weaning. I spent many years supporting families as a Health Visitor (family health nurse) and Specialist Children’s Nurse. Finally in 2015 I was promoted to my most important role to date… becoming a Mum! Having gone through the weaning stage 3 times within 4 years, it is definitely one of my favourite stages of child development! It should be fun and exciting but for many Mums, it is a stressful time and a cause of great anxiety.

One thing that never really gets talked about when you are starting weaning is where. Where should baby sit for weaning?

Where should baby be when you start offering food, in a highchair, in a pushchair, on the floor? Does the room make a difference? Home or out and about? And does it honestly matter where baby sits for weaning?

So let’s break it down and make it simple! The short answer is yes, it does matter! My mantra for baby’s and weaning is they are a blank canvas when you start. That doesn’t just mean for the foods you offer, it is for the whole eating/foody experience which includes where they sit. Let’s consider some of the different things to think about…


Most babies are generally in some sort of chair when they start (high chair, bouncy chair, bumbo style chair and all variations in between). However, depending on the age of your baby when they start weaning will depend on the right style for them.

If they are starting with weaning from around 4 months, baby may not quite be sitting independently yet so they may slide or slouch in a high chair or other fully upright chairs. Ideally, you want one that is as close to sitting as possible whilst supporting baby’s back, neck and head. Bumbo-style seats are not safe for babies to sit in for weaning. In younger babies, due to their shape it creates an unnatural sitting position because they are wedged in and can compress the tummy area. Unfortunately they is also the risk of injury when using it on a high surface or unsupervised as many babies have tumbled out.

For older babies, around 6 months, they will start sitting for short periods independently so a high chair is ideal. There are various makes and models available so test a few before investing to make sure you get one that is safe and comfortable for baby as they will be using it for a while! 

Safest place for baby to eat is in a highchair

Room / Location

Pick one location where baby will sit throughout the weaning stage. Whether that is the kitchen, dining table/area, lounge or any other place you eat as a family. Babies like repetition and to learn what comes next. Designating a specific place and chair they know that food is on its way! Ideally, it should be a place where you can also sit to eat as babies learn by watching. So it is a good excuse for you to have a little snack whilst your baby is eating!

No distractions

The designated space for eating should have minimal to no distractions. Baby should be able to fully focused on the food when it comes. Not distracted by toys, tv or anything else. Longer term, this will enable him/her to recognise the messages in their body telling them their tummy is full so stop eating. We live in such a busy world with our attention spans getting shorter and shorter therefore it is easy to miss what your body is telling you. Starting early with minimal distractions will help avoid overeating habits and lead to healthier choices with food long term. 

Out and about

If you are out and about when mealtime comes around, work out the best place to offer the meal. Giving food whilst you are driving is not safe. Especially finger foods as you need to be able to see your child with the food. Choking is a risk. And purees are just messy! Also think about the angle your child is at to eat. Laid back is not an easy position to eat in! (If you don’t believe me give it a try, lean back to a 45-degree angle and eat a yogurt or snack!). 

If you are out and your baby is in their pushchair. They will potentially have the same issue as a car seat, unless you can lift the back up to make an upright seated position. Snacking is fine but try to avoid main meals in the pushchair so your baby doesn’t associate the pushchair with meal times. 

Focusing on food with no distractions is important for baby’s to learn to listen to their bodies

When you are starting out it really is important to consider where baby sits when they get solid food. It helps them learn good eating habits and focus on the food they eat. Consistency is the key. For the first month at least. Try to feed baby in the same place, at roughly the same time to set the foundations for a long and enjoyable relationship with food and mealtimes. If you haven’t read my blog post on why weaning is about more than just the food take a read, weaning is about the whole experience!

If you are struggling with any aspect of weaning I run a free Facebook group. Come and join me! The Wonderful World of Weaning or book a free 30-minute chat with me, check my calender here. Let’s give you a clear plan on what, where, why and how to wean your baby in a simple and fun way. 

Katie Wormald General, weaning ,

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